My epic website!!!!!!

Hi idk how you stumbled apon this site but hi anyways. On this site I show what videos I am going to post in the future or at least hope I will. I also post links to videos that are in the making. Anyways thats what I do.

Anyways this is what my channel pic looked like when it was first made:

nvm I dont know how to bring files on my computer to this website:

  • My 4th subscriber is Shroompie the channel is here
  • Anyways I like minecraft but I quit roblox because the updates were bad, and the playerbase/community is rude to me.
  • My most veiwed video as if 12/1/2024 is"messing around with my bow and doing some mining in minecraft" it has 41 veiws as the time I am making this

    My hobbies

    I like biking and talking to my friends and in some cases, making little comic strips or making websites like this. I don't know, maybe I will try long boarding in like 8 years, spcifically the longboarding where you go down huge roads or just make a ramp and do some tricks on it, I'll probably document it on this website.

    Some testing stuff for bold text

    Test Hello other test

    alright I think I got the hang of it

    My other friends channels

    as if right now barely any of my friends have youtube channels I only have 1 friend with a youtube channel, the channel link is> he hasn't posted in seven months at the time I am writing this.

    Anyways my youtube channel is blobsgaming92 here is the link -> idk I might unprivate all of my older videos because my video called "messing around with the subspace tripmine" actually isn't my oldest video.

  • charlierobak4589
  • shroompie

    this person has videos

  • And the other 3 people